Old Pond Comics

Haiku Conferences

Attending a conference is a great way to meet other haiku poets and make new friends.

Haiku Canada (Toronto, 2012) | Haiku North America (Seattle, 2011) | Haiku Canada (Vancouver, 2009) 



Haiku Canada Toronto 2012 (Toronto, ON):

Arriving at Glendon College:

Old Pond Comics: frog riding a turtle's back (inspired by a sculpture behind Glendon Manor where the conference was taking place.

All haiku poets took picture of the strange sculpture of a frog riding a turtle's back located at the back of Glendon College where the Haiku Canada conference was taking place.


Renku with Marshall Hryciuk:

Old Pond Comics: anti-renku


Leaving Toronto, the wheels of my luggage broke down. It was the second set of luggage I lost in the rough streets of Toronto:




Haiku North America 2011 (Seattle, WA):


Kaeru at HNA 2011



1. Gingko walk to the international fountain:

Kaeru enjoyed the International Fountain in Seattle during HNA 2011.



Taking the monorail during the gingko walk at HNA 20111 (Seattle, WA)



Gingko walk at Pike Market.



Taichi with Don Baird at the HNA 2011 conference in Seattle, WA



Spaciousness in haiku, by Bruce Ross at HNA 2011 (Seattle, WA)



Some like it hot: erotic haiku, by Wanda Cook
















Update: Oh-oh, I must have spaced out towards the end, Michael Dylan Welch e-mailed me recently to say that it's the Frog team (his team) that won the game, not the Birds. Anyway, a comic featuring birds pooping is always funny, even though I the score is wrong (sorry, frogs!)



Conference Group photo at HNA 2011 (Seattle, WA)

Kaeru means "frog" in Japanese, so yes, technically, all these frogs were "Kaeru".





Banquet at the Space Needle during HNA 2011 (Seattle, WA).

(Someone should have told the frogs that the party was inside!)








La Famille Léger gave a great performance at HNA 2011 (Seattle, WA)



Cor Van Den Heuvel stood up, his charismatic presence filling the room, then with a powerful voice he blurted "TUNDRA!" His voice resonnated in the room with so much power, it was like the word exploding in the middle of a white page. We were all blown away.

Here's my (frog-version) hommage to Cor Van Den Heuvel reading his one-word poem:

Cor Van Den Heuval reading his famous one word poem "Tundra" at the HNA 2011 conference in Seattle was the inspiration for this comic.

Published in FrogPond volume 34:3, Fall 2011, p.114


I confess that I cut short on the gingko walk at the Museum of Art to visit the Experience Music Project where I realized one of my teenage dreams: to play the drums! Oh, my frog! It was so much fun! And the EMP building - shaped like a melted guitar - that was really something!

A haiku poet went crazy at the Experience Music Project

(In case you're wondering, no I did not buy a hat there.)








Haiku Canada Week-end 2009 Highlights:


The beautiful location of Vancouver.


Making new friends.


Renku with Marhsall Hryciuk.


Haiku for the 21st Century from the Modern Haiku Association.


Discovering Gusts: Contemporary Tanka journal.


Presentation on Deja-ku by Michael Dylan Welch.


Ginko walk at the Nitobe Japanese Garden.







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