
Master Kawazu









List of Haiku Contests

This page is no longer updated.

Please contact the contest organizers directly for more information on deadlines and rules.

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | [Français]

January [top]

January 12: Matsuyamam Photo-Haiku contest. Take a photo and complete it with a haiku.

January 31 deadline to submit to Haiku Canada Members' Anthology. For HC members only..

January 31: Snapshot Press - The Haiku Calendar Competition


January 31: San Francisco International Competition for Rengay organized by the Haiku poets of Northern California

January 31: The “AHA” Haiku/Senryu Contest (the Annual Hortensia Anderson Memorial Awards)

January 31: ITO EN North America - The art of haiku contest (for US Residents only).

How to make haiku history: write  a memorable haiku -- A haiku writing tip by Old Pond Comics. More comics at http://www.oldpondcomics.com


February [top]

February 15: Haiku Society of America - Merit Book Awards

February 25: Betty Drevniok Award for members of Haiku Canada.

February 1-28: National Haiku Writing Month. Write one haiku per day for a month and post your poems on NaHaiWriMo Facebook page). Check out my NaHaiWriMo haiku-comics from 2011, 2012, August 2012, 2013.

February 28: Ito En Oi Ocha Haiku Contest

February 28: The HSA Bernard Lionel Einbond Renku Competition.

February 28:ITO EN North America - The art of haiku contest (for US Residents only).

National Haiku Writing Month challenges you to write one haiku a day for a month in February. (Old Pond Comics)

March [top]

March 22: The Nicholas A. Virgilio Memorial Haiku Competition for Grades 7-12

March 31: Haiku Contests by Romanian magazine Haiku.

March 31:ITO EN North America - The art of haiku contest (for US Residents only).

March 31: Deadline to submit to Frogpond (Spring/Summer issue).

Haiku poets often find inspiration during gingko (a haiku walk).


April [top]



April 17: It's National Haiku Poetry Day! Check out the HaikuLife video on the Haiku Foundation website.

April 30: ITO EN North America - The art of haiku contest (for US Residents only).

Old Pond Comics: submit your haiku to a haiku journal.


May [top]

May (Victoria long week-end): Haiku Canada Weekend

May 1: January 31: San Francisco International Competition for Haibun organized by the Haiku poets of Northern California

May 31: Yuki Teikei Haiku Society - Kiyoshi & Kiyoko Tokutomi Memorial Haiku Contest

May 30: ITO EN North America - The art of haiku contest (for US Residents only).

May 31: The Annual Haiku Society of America - Rengay Award in Honor of Garry Gay

May 31: The “Fleeting Words” Tanka Competition




June [top]

June 1 : Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Invitational

June 30: ITO EN North America - The art of haiku contest (for US Residents only).

The soup, the salad, everything is covered by cherry blossoms (Basho)


July [top]

July 31: The Snapshot Press - eChapbook Awards

July 31: The Annual Harold G. Henderson Awards for Best Unpublished Haiku

July 31: The Annual Gerald Brady Memorial Awards for Best Unpublished Senryu

July 31: The Annual Haiku Society of America Haibun Award

July 31:ITO EN North America - The art of haiku contest (for US Residents only).

July 31: Deadline to submit to Frogpond (Fall issue).

July 31: The Annual Haiku Society of America - Haibun Award

July 31: The Annual Haiku Society of America - Senryu Award in memorial of Gerald Brady

July 31: The Annual Haiku Society of America Haiku Award in honor of Harold G. Henderson

Little snail / facing this way / where to now?  -- A Haiku by Kobayahi Issa, translated by David G. Lanoue, illustrated by Old Pond Comics.


August [top]


August 31: Deadline to submit to Haiku Canada Review for the fall issue.

August 30: Kusamakura Haiku Competition

August 31: ITO EN North America - The art of haiku contest (for US Residents only).



September [top]

September 3: Mainichi Haiku Contest.

October 15-17 2021 (online): Haiku North America conference. Want to know more about HNA? Read the HNA comics (2017 in Santa Fe, 2015 in Schenectady, 2013 Long Beach, 2011 Seattle).

September 15: BC Arts Council Writers Grant (for British Columbia residents only).

September 30: Porad Haiku Award

September 31: The “Samurai” Haibun Competition

September 30:

ITO EN North America - The art of haiku contest (for US Residents only).

The beginning of autumn / decided / by the red dragonfly. -- A haiku by Shirao illustrated by Old Pond Comics


October [top]

October : Seabeck Haiku Getaway (Seabeck, Washington). [Read the Seabeck Comics from 2013, 2014, 2017]

October 31: ITO EN North America - The art of haiku contest (for US Residents only).

October 31: San Francisco International Competition for Haiku, Senryu, and Tanka organized by the Haiku poets of Northern California


November [top]


November 30: Deadline to submit to Frogpond (Winter issue).

November 30: Irish Haiku Society International Haiku Competition


December [top]

December 4: Haiku International Association (HIA) Haiku Contest

December 31: Deadline to submit to Haiku Canada Review (Winter issue)



Disclaimer: Old Pond makes every effort possible to publish the information as accurately as possible but recommends that the reader verify the information prior to entering a contest.

Respect the submission criterias.



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